Wednesday, April 17, 2013

ISA 69

I had a particularly difficult morning.  I was having the kind of morning that brings out the ugly in me, and I was trying to fight it by responding to my eldest child in a sweet, sort of high-pitched voice.  Having given up on speaking nicely to the younger one, I thought maybe I could cut my losses and be nice to at least one child.  Ugh.  Anyone who knows anything about leadership will tell you this is a faulty way of handling your team. Oh well, I was done. 

On the drive home from preschool I was quiet, and had successfully communicated to my children through body language, intonation, and music volume that I was unavailable for small talk.  The quiet lent to my observation skills and at a red light I noticed the license plate in front of me read "ISA 69".  "This is a sign!", I thought, so when I got home I flipped the Bible open to Isaiah 6:9.  I prepared myself for game-changing wisdom, some little nugget of refreshing truth and advice to give me sudden clarity and introspection, thereby rendering me a more admirable mother for the remainder of the day.

This is what Isaiah 6:9 reads: 
And he said, "Go, and say to the people: 
Keep on hearing, but do not 
keep on seeing, but do not perceive." 

"Unhelpful" would be an understatement.  I practically tossed the Bible aside.  

Once the kids were down for naps and I was able to sit down on the couch and finally attain that near meditative peaceful quiet, I realized my error.  My feverish search for meaning on the back of that car was completely unnecessary.  God knew the kind of day I was having; He knew that I would not have time to look up Isaiah 6:9 on my phone before the light turned green.  Surely he knew that my hungry, tired boys self would not allow for a long study of the Bible, so He simply gave me a visual.  The license plate itself was my advice, it was God reaching His hand down and slapping an "I am here!"  bumper sticker on that SUV in front of me.  I should have just laughed then and there, because He knew I needed obvious and simple.  Thank God.