Saturday, May 11, 2013

Let's be honest

You probably know by now that I am living at the hospital, that we hope baby and I stay here, knit together, for a few months.  You probably have your own notions about what this is like, but let me stop you before you go too far:  It's not all bad.  There are things about lying on a bed with one's only orders being "Don't get into trouble" that are actually rather delightful.

Not to use my green stirrer of envy to upset your Saturday Springtime mojito, but there are other ways to relax.  Sure, I'd prefer to sip a mojito on my back deck with you, but at the moment I am sitting in a cool room with a treeline view that stretches over miles and reveals only the fanciest office buildings.  It is peacefully quiet, nothing other than the sound of Samuel's regular heartbeat.  I have two books at leisure to read, and I am currently beating my dad in Words with Friends (in and of itself making me feel heroic).

If you are still tempted to mourn over me, have at it!  Bear in mind, however, that by the time you drag yourself and all of your worldly belongings into a sweaty car and arrive at your Memorial Day vacation destination I will have watched all of the Academy Award nominated films from twenty twelve, will have read half of Tolstoy's War and Peace (therein accomplishing both entertainment and lifetime bragging rights), and will have blogged often enough to contact a publishing company.

Enough is enough, I know, but since I am enjoying this I will continue.  You know that moment when your alarm or your family or your dog or your neighbor's sub woofer wakes you up thirty minutes before your REM cycle ends?  Well, hello white sheets and REM cycle - you're welcome!  For as long as Samuel stays good and happy in here we have an all expense paid trip (well, mostly, thanks to Blue Cross Blue Shield) to sleeping in.

Don't be too disappointed, after all when I emerge from the hospital halls your spray on tan will make me look like an Irish girl who got trapped in a Siberian snowstorm.  That said, if you're considering breaking your femur bone so you can be my bed rest neighbor please think again.  I hear that's quite a drag.

Then Hannah prayed and said: 
"My heart rejoices in the LORD; in the LORD my horn is lifted high."   1 Samuel 2:1a


  1. Everyone keeps saying you have such an incredible attitude, and I AGREE. You're a rock star.

  2. Hi Hannah, we went to high school together. I follow you and your sister's blog. Your little boys are so cute and I love their names! I have a little William of my own. Just wanted to say hi and let you know that you and your little guy are in my thoughts and prayers! Take care :) Lucy (Cloughley) Miner
