In Butler, PA, visiting the Evans' beautiful log cabin home with Mark and Ginny. With a soft falling snow and a fire in the hearth, it was winter perfection all weekend:)

Asleep with Casey Willet, our dear friend and one of Jonathan's best buds.

Everyone has to have the funky aunt, right? This is how Ginny and Jonathan express their love for one another. When Ginny asks, "How much do I love you," Jonathan squeezes his eyes shut tight (so does Ginny) and sticks his tongue out. Then she switches, "How much do you love me," and the answer is the same. Odd I'm sure, but it tickles me every time!
Okay, too precious. Firstly, you look AMAZING. Are you really about to pop? You are tiny! Secondly, Ginny is hilarious. Love that girl. She looks so much like your mom there. And last, but not least, I can't get over how big Jonathan looks! Time flies! Love the new pics.