... "Goes down easy like apple wine. Hope you don't mind if I pour you some, made that much sweeter by the winter to come." ~James Taylor
Autumn is my favorite time of year. I can still peel off my sweater when the day gets warm, but the mornings are crunchy acorns under my bare feet when I step outside, cold toes and the brewing thought of socks and hot tea. Today I am going to put a thick ivory covered down comforter back on my oak bed and I will wear jeans and a long sleeve tee. I will drive with the windows down and the fresh Fall air rolling like a symphony through my tired and lately quite stuffy car.
This Autumn brings more than just the relief of cool air and Pumpkin Spice lattes from Starbucks. This Autumn I celebrate being well, feeling whole and human and more than a sick lag on the couch. As my belly swells with the baby being knitted together inside I am grateful for that gentle pucker and the fact that I am enjoying this little presence por fin. Josh and I were more than ready for another child, but the illness of this pregnancy was unforeseen and certainly not long awaited.
As it is, we have come through a hot, sick summer with pure joy at the thought of who we will meet in March and I even enjoyed a therapeutic stay in the Outer Banks just before the 80s turned to 70s and the hot sun to a deluge of rain!
Here are a few snapshots of what our summer has held. As you can see Jonathan and I are both growing rapidly and Josh is handedly holding us together.
Early summer days, fun in the sun and splashin' in the pool!
A visit to Grandy's house with Charles and Emily.
A little bit of toning.

Not so much toning here... (This is a recent pic, taken about 2 weeks ago.)
What better way to usher out summer than sandcastles with cousins?! Of course, Jonathan liked knocking them over best.
Han! Such sweet pics! Love 'em. You all look great:)