Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Away on business!

My husband told me Monday night that a last minute overnight had come up. Being that business trips have been coming often these days, I asked if the Little Man and I could tag along. He agreed, so 6:30 this morning saw us up and out the door into the wide dark yonder.

Now we are in Wilmington, in a snug little hotel not too far from the beach. I am far too busy cuddling with my boys -- Jonathan is putting Josh and me to bed and stroking our hair to soothe us (and dissolving in laughter because he is allowed to) -- to blog about the next person in My Project. So, I am just letting you know that I am away on business, the business of hotel bathtubs and out-to-dinnering and cuddling on plush bedsheets in a room all our own and watching my little guy careen down the endless hallway clutching his new prized possession Thomas the Train.

Please forgive my absence -- my professional life calls.


  1. You should take a business excursion to Rita's - I hear there are at least 2 (maybe 3) in the Wilmington area. It's not Feeney's, but still a yummy summer treat!

  2. Beth will so not approve of the Thomas!
