Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Good Life

Ok, so a little update for my faithful followers: I went to Annapolis to see my college friends! They lovingly (and with chutzpah) convinced me that failing to come due to a fear of getting sick was unacceptable... and I never did! I have remained healthy this whole week; as you see I was well enough to travel to Chicago and love it.

Also from the Good Life front: my son is precious. Here are a few pics of him enjoying the fancy features of Aunt Ginny and Uncle Mark's new house. Oh, household appliances how we love thee.

Fancy dial... lights up... Good. Good. Okay, I can get into this place.

And it spins?! I'm definitely on board.

Speaking of "on board".

This is kinda weird, Dad.

You've had your laugh. Can I get down now?