A bra is lying in my bathroom sink and there are dirty little boy clothes, inside out and twisted hopelessly together, on the bathroom floor. Towels are strung, no, rather heaped, from one corner to the next and empty shampoo bottles bestrew the counter top. A bag of Thomas trains has taken up residence next to the full length mirror, to sit idly (for weeks now?) rather than enjoy a go around the tracks. I am fairly certain that a tube of fingerpaint is standing proudly next to my nail polish remover, chiding me mercilessly for not having put it back since three days ago when it was utilized. Yes, I say "fairly certain" because I refuse to go back up there and observe again the mess I have allowed to accrue. Wet and dripping little bathing suits are hatching a plan to turn themselves into a science experiment next to the dirty-inside-out clothes. I don't know how but this reminds me that my unfinished cup of coffee is looking dejected (again) behind the toiletries (etc.) piled up on the sink. My brand new bottle of shampoo (though I have perfectly good shampoo already in the shower but this one is organic and smells like mint) did not quite make it to the shower, so it is teetering on the edge of the over-crowded sink and looking awkward and out of place as it is the first organic toilet item to be introduced to the circus that is my hygienic metropolis.
The obvious question is: Why am I writing about it and not cleaning it? The answer is simple and twofold. First of all, I'd rather write about it. Second, I love making people laugh so I hope you are guffawing, otherwise the entire mess is doing no one any bit of good.